Water Shed Survey Form

water shed development needs to be expedited for long term water security in rural landscape...

Watershed includes soil, vegetative cover, rain water availability for harvesting and animals.

Watershed development involves the overall development of the area, its people, flora and fauna within the area. It refers to the conservation, regeneration and the judicious use of all the resources – natural ( like land, water plants, animals) and human – within the watershed area. 

This Watershed survey form will help us do the following:

  1. Understand the current situation of the watershed.
  2. The additional work that can be undertaken in the watershed to improve the water conservation and livelihood opportunities in the watershed.

We will also over time plot the locations of the watershed areas on a GIS map which will help us all plan for the water security of the area.

We also request you to share this page with your friends, colleagues and relative and also on your social media pages to help us reach as many water conservation enthusiasts as possible so that we are able to plan water conservation initiatives in more areas to make communities water secure.

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